Vendors Vs. Virus

Vs. Virus
The situation
Imagineer Technology Group provides software and services to help investor relations, fund marketing,
and investment research professionals effectively manage their client and fund manager relationships.
In spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic completely altered business as we knew it. Industry conferences, events, and other networking gatherings were canceled, leaving the financial industry, like other industries, feeling shaken and disconnected. Facing unprecedented uncertainty, Imagineer was no longer able to utilize many traditional forms of marketing and networking, and thus needed to find a creative way to both provide value to their industry and also show thought leadership.
Imagineer tasked 3Points with strategically planning, organizing, and executing a virtual roundtable for industry professionals and media members to attend. The topic of the roundtable would focus on the pandemic’s effects on the fintech industry.
While in the midst of quarantine, and with businesses feeling the effects of the pandemic, 3Poitns got to work on strategizing the virtual roundtable. The focus of the roundtable, which we named Vendors vs. Virus, would be on software vendors, the unsung heroes of capital markets, who make the financial services ecosystem function properly. The discussion would be centered on how the pandemic had impacted asset management and trading software vendor’s business models, operational risk, client retention and sales pipelines, and more.
Next, 3Points and Imagineer worked together to identify and contact fintech industry experts to participate
in the virtual roundtable as panelists, with Imagineer CEO Jeremie Bacon as the moderator. The panelists included:
- Rick Lane, CEO of Trading Technologies
- Hazem Dawani, CEO of Predata
- Monel Amin, Founder and CEO of DiligenceVault
- Kristi Ross, Co-CEO and President of tastytrade
In addition to developing the strategy behind Vendors vs. Virus, and aiding in securing the panelists, 3Points coordinated all communications, confirmed the date and time, designed social media graphics, promoted the virtual roundtable strategically on Imagineer’s social media, and conducted media relations to secure media attendance at Vendors vs. Virus.
Two weeks before the event 3Points facilitated a prep call with all of the panelists to discuss the topic and run through questions for the roundtable to ensure everyone felt comfortable and fully prepared.
Vendors vs. Virus was executed on GoToWebinar, and ran for a total of one hour, and began with a 50 minute roundtable discussion and ended with a 10 minute Q&A with the audience.
Through 3Points’ efforts, there was a wealth of insight shared during the roundtable discussion from the fintech experts who participated. The roundtable touched on how fintech software providers were adapting amid the pandemic, the importance of vendors’ stability during COVID-19 & the recent extreme volatility. You can find the full-length recording here. Through 3Points media relations efforts, six journalists registered to attend Vendors vs. Virus. Their attendance led to a feature article in John Lothian News, and the virtual roundtable was also shared in several industry newsletters.
There were also many industry members who registered and attended Vendors vs. Virus and were able to ask questions to the panelists during the Q&A session at the end of the virtual roundtable.
“At Imagineer we did not have enough internal resources to ensure we could plan and execute a high-quality virtual panel, so partnering with 3Points was one of the biggest reasons why we were able to have a successful event. Because of 3Points’ project management, all of the panelists were prepared and had the proper resources to promote Vendors vs. Virus through their channels and generate industry attendance, and 3Points also used its media relations expertise to secure media attendance.”
— Jeremie Bacon, CEO of Imagineer Technology Group